Array ( [news-category] => WP_Taxonomy Object ( [name] => news-category [label] => カテゴリー [labels] => stdClass Object ( [name] => カテゴリー [singular_name] => カテゴリー [search_items] => Search Categories [popular_items] => [all_items] => カテゴリー [parent_item] => Parent Category [parent_item_colon] => Parent Category: [name_field_description] => The name is how it appears on your site. [slug_field_description] => The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens. [parent_field_description] => Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band. [desc_field_description] => The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it. [edit_item] => Edit Category [view_item] => View Category [update_item] => Update Category [add_new_item] => Add New Category [new_item_name] => New Category Name [separate_items_with_commas] => [add_or_remove_items] => [choose_from_most_used] => [not_found] => No categories found. [no_terms] => No categories [filter_by_item] => Filter by category [items_list_navigation] => Categories list navigation [items_list] => Categories list [most_used] => Most Used [back_to_items] => ← Go to Categories [item_link] => Category Link [item_link_description] => A link to a category. [menu_name] => カテゴリー [name_admin_bar] => カテゴリー [archives] => カテゴリー [template_name] => カテゴリー アーカイブ ) [description] => [public] => 1 [publicly_queryable] => 1 [hierarchical] => 1 [show_ui] => 1 [show_in_menu] => 1 [show_in_nav_menus] => 1 [show_tagcloud] => 1 [show_in_quick_edit] => 1 [show_admin_column] => 1 [meta_box_cb] => post_categories_meta_box [meta_box_sanitize_cb] => taxonomy_meta_box_sanitize_cb_checkboxes [object_type] => Array ( [0] => news ) [cap] => stdClass Object ( [manage_terms] => manage_categories [edit_terms] => manage_categories [delete_terms] => manage_categories [assign_terms] => edit_posts ) [rewrite] => Array ( [with_front] => 1 [hierarchical] => [ep_mask] => 0 [0] => [slug] => news-category ) [query_var] => news-category [update_count_callback] => _update_post_term_count [show_in_rest] => 1 [rest_base] => [rest_namespace] => wp/v2 [rest_controller_class] => [rest_controller] => [default_term] => [sort] => [args] => [_builtin] => [singular_label] => カテゴリー [has_term_bread] => 1 ) [news-tag] => WP_Taxonomy Object ( [name] => news-tag [label] => タグ [labels] => stdClass Object ( [name] => タグ [singular_name] => タグ [search_items] => Search Tags [popular_items] => Popular Tags [all_items] => タグ [parent_item] => [parent_item_colon] => [name_field_description] => The name is how it appears on your site. [slug_field_description] => The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens. [parent_field_description] => [desc_field_description] => The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it. [edit_item] => Edit Tag [view_item] => View Tag [update_item] => Update Tag [add_new_item] => Add New Tag [new_item_name] => New Tag Name [separate_items_with_commas] => Separate tags with commas [add_or_remove_items] => Add or remove tags [choose_from_most_used] => Choose from the most used tags [not_found] => No tags found. [no_terms] => No tags [filter_by_item] => [items_list_navigation] => Tags list navigation [items_list] => Tags list [most_used] => Most Used [back_to_items] => ← Go to Tags [item_link] => Tag Link [item_link_description] => A link to a tag. [menu_name] => タグ [name_admin_bar] => タグ [archives] => タグ [template_name] => タグ アーカイブ ) [description] => [public] => 1 [publicly_queryable] => 1 [hierarchical] => [show_ui] => 1 [show_in_menu] => 1 [show_in_nav_menus] => 1 [show_tagcloud] => 1 [show_in_quick_edit] => 1 [show_admin_column] => 1 [meta_box_cb] => post_tags_meta_box [meta_box_sanitize_cb] => taxonomy_meta_box_sanitize_cb_input [object_type] => Array ( [0] => news ) [cap] => stdClass Object ( [manage_terms] => manage_categories [edit_terms] => manage_categories [delete_terms] => manage_categories [assign_terms] => edit_posts ) [rewrite] => Array ( [with_front] => 1 [hierarchical] => [ep_mask] => 0 [0] => [slug] => news-tag ) [query_var] => news-tag [update_count_callback] => _update_post_term_count [show_in_rest] => 1 [rest_base] => [rest_namespace] => wp/v2 [rest_controller_class] => [rest_controller] => [default_term] => [sort] => [args] => [_builtin] => [singular_label] => タグ ) ) 1no set param 'has_term_bread'.